TXAdvance Scan Exchange
What is TASE?
The TXAdvance Scan Exchange platform is a collaborative map where users can share geotagged radio frequency spectrum scans. It allows sound and RF engineers to get local informations about radio frequency spectrum and anticipate frequency coordination off-site. Scans are uploaded through the TXAdvance app in a .txa format.

How to upload a scan?
Open the TXAdvance app, click on TASE in the menu. Select the location to upload, fill in the informations and click on « Upload ». Your scan will appear on the map in the next 5 minutes.
What kind of scan should I upload?
Upload any scan which could interest other users. Try to scan exterior areas as much as possible unless it is a studio or a concert hall. Try to scan with enough gain so that we can clearly identify TV channels and other sources of possible interference.
As scans are precisely geotagged and time-stamped, avoid uploading scans with personal informations (like the location of your house).
Please, only upload legal frequency scans and avoid unnecessary frequencies but try to provide the full locally legal spectrum.
How to delete or edit a scan I uploaded?
Send an email through the contact form of this website using the email you provided when uploading the scan.
What informations should I provide with the scan?
Any useful information is welcome such as the kind of antenna used (1/4 whip, dipole, LPDA…) or if any of your transmitters were switched on at the time of the scan…
The name, date and location of the scan will automatically be added (based on the phone/tablet provided data).
You can also provide a website URL to promote it.
The email address from the « Email » text box will not be publicly shown.
Can I upload other file formats than .txa (like .csv)?
To be fully compatible with TXAdvance, scans have to be in the .txa format. There will probably be the possibility to import .csv files into TXAdvance under certain conditions (scans would need to have at least a 5 kHz resolution…) and convert them to the .txa format.
How I can I request a specific scan ?
Any audio community with TXA users such as the Global Radio Mic Frequencies Facebook group.
Where can I find the Terms Of Use of the TASE?
You can find them here.